Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Advent Day 4 - Waiting

Okay, so I'm late (as usual) starting my Advent observances. I should have started on time on December 1st. But late is better than never. Advent has come to mean so much to me, in the past few years, that I find it more and more important each year to observe this season.

The word Advent means "the coming" or arrival. And what greater arrival than the Christ-child's appearance on Christmas Day so long ago? But somewhat ironically, the period of Advent comes before the Arrival. It is in fact, not about the actual arrival but about the stretch of time spent waiting for Him.

Waiting in our time and culture is not glorified. I watched a recent Colbert Report (Monday, Dec. 2) where he mocked the Amazon Overnight Delivery service. "It takes FOREVER. If I have to wait until tomorrow for my items to arrive, there goes tonight's plans..." he mock-complained. He then went on to describe Amazon's plans to potentially adopt delivery service by drones - that would cut down the delivery time to half an hour. Yes, he was only complaining in jest, but I find I have the same problem - I have no patience with anything that makes me wait. For example...

Mail: Just this Sunday, I was griping because the Advent candles that I ordered 11 days prior (with free shipping of course) had not arrived by Dec. 1 in time to use them for our first Advent service of the year.
Traffic: I hate being stuck behind a slow car and make frequent lane changes.
Family: I get annoyed when I am dressed to go out, and my husband isn't ready yet.
Lines: I pick late nights to go shopping because I know there won't be any queues.

But God, in His infinite wisdom, created the world and then proceeded to endure thousands of years of man's forgetfulness, betrayal and folly, before sending a Savior. He waited patiently for us to remember, for us to turn back to Him. And He is waiting still. Sometimes I wonder why He waited so long when the world was in darkness. Even so, the Christ-child was born at exactly the right time ("But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son" - Galatians 4:4)

Is there something you are waiting for in your life? Do you know why God is keeping you waiting? What does He want you to do with your time while you wait?

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